Check out our January Flyer for amazing deals! Plus, enjoy FREE Next-Day Local Delivery on orders of $70 or more!

Check out our January Flyer for amazing deals! Plus, enjoy FREE Next-Day Local Delivery on orders of $70 or more!

Kanata, The Wait is Almost Over!

We are thrilled to announce the location for our 9th store in the Ottawa region in Kanata at the Signature Centre located at 499 Terry Fox Drive!

The planning is done, we have our building permits and we're a short while away from starting construction on the space that was formerly occupied by CD Warehouse.  All of us here are working extra hard to get everything ready for the wonderful people of Kanata.  We originally anticipated opening sometime in April, however due to some unexpected delays beyond our control our opening has been pushed back to June.  We will post more details as things progress.

Stay tuned for other exciting events related to the opening of this new store including our Grand Opening, Job Fair and more!

** Update - the store will officially open on Monday, July 6th
