Kardish hopes this change will help make Ottawa more environmentally friendly
Tuesday, March 22, 2021
OTTAWA — Kardish Health Food Centre, Ottawa’s largest health food retailer, today announced that they have discontinued the use of single-use plastic bags for a compostable alternative made of potato starch. Kardish hopes this will encourage more natural health companies to offer more environmentally-friendly options.
“We focus so much on natural health and sustainability here at Kardish that it only makes sense to stop using single-use plastic bags,” says Robert Assaf, President of Kardish Food Centre. “Kardish wants to do its part to contribute to a more sustainable future, and it starts with steps like this one. Reusable bags are welcome in store and we will be providing a compostable alternative otherwise.”
According toOceana, 2.8 million tonnes of plastic waste ends up in Canadian landfills every year – equivalent to the weight of 24 CN towers. According to theCanadian government, Canadians use almost 15 billion plastic bags every year. Kardish wants to help lower this number.
“Kardish has always supported the health of the local community, and I’m happy to see the team add the health of the environment to their list of efforts and contributions,” says Nora Munro, a store manager at the Kardish Westgate Mall location. “The Kardish team is always going above and beyond when it comes to giving back, whether that’s to the community or the environment. I’m proud to work here.”
About Kardish Health Food Centre
Kardish Health Food Center is Ottawa’s leading health food retailer. Kardish, founded in 1979, is committed to making it easy for you to discover well-being solutions that work for you. With more than seven retail locations in Ottawa, Kardish makes it easy for you to access a wide selection of specialty health and bulk foods, gluten-free products, natural health and beauty aids, vitamins, and other natural health supplements. Kardish Health Food Centre has been recognized as an industry and community leader, winning the Ottawa Business Journal Employee’s Choice Award, the Best Ottawa Business Award, and the Canadian Health Food Association Award for Excellence in Retailing.

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