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Check out our March Flyer for amazing deals! Plus, enjoy FREE Next-Day Local Delivery on orders of $70 or more!

3 Fresh Ways to Keep the Family Moving During the COVID-19 Pandemic

3 Fresh Ways to Keep the Family Moving During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Being active is an important part of getting back to your routine and living a healthy lifestyle, but with the current state of the world, it feels more difficult than ever for a lot of us. Activity is an incredible and natural way to boost your mental and physical health, and incorporating it as a "must" into your weekly routine will help you and your whole family thrive during this difficult time. Try out these 3 fresh ways to get the whole family moving.

1. Schedule at Least One "Long Activity Break" into your Week

With busy schedules and lots of unprecedented changes going on for all, it can sometimes be hard to motivate the whole family to get moving. At least once per week, schedule in a dedicated "Long Activity Break." Fit this chunk of time into your schedule wherever you can, and try out taking a long hike in the forest or taking a family bike ride around the neighbourhood. Carving a lengthy break into your weekly schedule specifically for being active will help keep you all accountable and help remind everyone that it's a "must."

2. Work out While You're Working

Whether you’re working from home, home-schooling your kids, or you're on the front-lines, many of us are missing out on our weekly active routines, and kids are missing out on gym class and recess. A key strategy for staying active is to take some time out of your work or school day to keep your energy flowing. Try out some yoga at lunch time. Do thirty squats on the hour, every hour. Go out for a walk or put on some pump-up jams and have a dance break. The adrenaline and laughs that will naturally flow into your body by taking a break for activity will the fuel that keeps you going throughout the day.

3. Say "no" to Screens Until You've Been Active

These days, many of us are feeling absolutely drained after a full day of working, cleaning, keeping the kids engaged...and it can be easy to fall into the trap of heading straight to the couch to watch TV or picking up our phones once all is said and done. One of the best ways to combat this becoming our everyday routine is by laying down the law and saying "no" to screens until you've had a dedicated hour or half hour of "active" time. Having that active break will keep you going throughout your evenings, and is so important right now for our mental and physical health. The screens can be the reward for those of us who like to indulge--but best to try some activity before we turn to them.

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