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Check out our February Flyer for amazing deals! Plus, enjoy FREE Next-Day Local Delivery on orders of $70 or more!

Benefits of Silver with Silver Biotics

Trace Element Silver Supplement

Silver Biotics Trace Element Silver Supplement is the perfect, daily way to support your Immune System. It contains our powerful SilverSol Technology® to give your body a boost, so that it can do its job keeping you strong and healthy for all your daily adventures.  It is all natural, gluten free, and safe for the whole family. Also, unlike other silver supplements, it has been proven through independent research that Silver Biotics Trace Element Silver Supplement will not harm your probiotics.  This means it can safely be taken every day without harming your gut health, a key element of a healthy and happy immune system.  Backed by over 420 independent major reports and studies, Silver Biotics Trace Element Silver Supplement is the proven leader in safe and effective immune support.

Silver Biotics Trace Element Silver Supplement is also available in an incredible new form called Silver Biotics Silver Lozenges, where it is combined synergistically with manuka honey and all of the benefits that come with it.  Combining two such super-powered immune supporting ingredients in one lozenge has never been done before, and the results are life changing.  They work in tandem to soothe a sore throat and help support the immune system.


  • No build-up in the body, no risk of Argyria (you can’t turn blue/grey) 
  • Patented Manufacturing Process, Products, and Uses 
  • Only silver proven safe through human ingestion studies 
  • Ideal for both Children and Adults
  • Demonstrated Safe and Effective

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