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Celebrity Workout Trends

We often look to celebrities for current trends and inspiration, so why not take their advice on effective workout routines? With so many celebrities having to tone up and alter their fitness routine for roles, they are truly the authority on workouts that provide results. 

One popular celebrity who has an unorthodox workout routine is Jessica Chastain. She loves to hit power yoga when she can get to a studio, but her favourite kind of workout is dancing. Specifically, the Lindy Hop, which according to her has not yet gone out of style. Her best tip is to find a partner who loves it as much as you, and you’re all set! As this dance involves quite a bit of cardio, it makes for an all-around great workout. Bringing back older dance styles may just be the new wave in fitness trends.

Jennifer Lopez is known for her age-defying beauty and incredibly fit body. Her biggest tip is making sure to switch up your workouts, so you continually shock your body and keep it working hard. Some of her favourite workouts include high-intensity dance, cardio, running, and weight training. Alternating between different styles of activities can prove highly effective as it helps to strengthen and tone the entire body. By switching up your workout routine to include other exercises, you can target specific muscle groups and get in a full-body workout.

Jennifer Aniston also believes in switching up her routine to keep her body shape and surprise her muscles into a lean and toned figure. She enjoys cardio climbing and even the Stairmaster to keep her muscles guessing and continues to switch up her routine to make sure that she achieves a full-body workout. This proves to be a common theme among various celebrities who frequently need to tone and shape their body specifically for a role. 

By changing your routine and trying a new workout, you can reach your fitness goals in no time. Taking advice from the stars on a new workout regime may just be the perfect thing to kickstart your wellness journey and help you meet all of your goals.

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