The anticipation of summer means our thoughts turn to shedding our winter suit of armor and baring a bit more skin. There’s no need to go to extreme measures to “beautify”: Healthy is by far the best look (and feeling)! Here are a few of our healthy tips to help you feel confident and comfortable in your body this season!
Glowing Skin
Sea Buckthorn Oil
Sea buckthorn oil is derived from a small fruit grown in the Himalayas. The oil can be taken internally in a capsule form or applied topically to the skin. The oil is a rich source of essential fatty acids which help to promote the health of skin, hair and nails.
Our bodies contain collagen, which contributes to the health of our nails, teeth and hair among many other things. A supplement like Lorna Vanderhaeghe’s Active Collagencan help to improve dry skin, reduce wrinkles and fight aging (source).
SilicaAs noted already, collagen plays an important role in our overall health and the health of our connective tissue. Silicon is a trace mineral that helps to boosts your body’s own ability to create collagen (source).
Andalou Starter KitsIt can be hard to commit to an entirely new skin care regime for fear of a negative reaction to sensitive skin, concerns about limited results, or financial restraint. Thanks to the Andalou Naturals starter kits, you can try any of their four lines without having to commit to full sized products. Each started kit comes with a sample size of cleanser, toner, mask, day cream and night cream.
Natural Cosmetics
Mineral FusionChoosing natural alternatives to drugstore cosmetics, like Mineral Fusion can improve overall health by reducing your toxic load with often better quality. Try paining your toenails bright yellow, or applying a bold red to your lips. Make a statement this season with healthy, natural cosmetics.
Andalou Beauty BalmA beauty balm provides a skin-evening tint and moisturizing benefits. We love that this product contains an SPF 30 sunblock, making it not only beautifying but protective.
Burt's Bees Lipstick
Applying a fun lipstick colour can spice up a casual look or enhance an evening look. Luckily Burt’s Bees has created fourteen vibrant shades to choose from.
Nourished Hair
Apple Cider VinegarMixing one part apple cider vinegar with two parts warm water can make for an amazing and affordable hair conditioner. After shampooing apply the mixture to your wet hair (make sure to avoid the eyes) and allow it to sit for 30 seconds. Rinse the vinegar from your hair completely and dry normally. The vinegar removes product buildup while nourishing the hair.
Coconut OilThe popularity of coconut oil has dramatically increased over the past few years. Nutritionally, coconut oil is still being studied for its benefits. However, we already know that using the oil on our hair as a replacement to conventional hair moisturizers can reduce frizz and promote healthy growth. Simply apply a small amount to the ends of your hair or closer to the crown to tame frizz.