Building Better Wellness Habits in 2024

Building Better Wellness Habits in 2024

By Dr. Kristy Lewis, ND

Envision a life brimming with vitality, free from pain, and deeply connected to your inner self. This isn't just a dream—it's attainable and you're worthy of it.

As a naturopathic doctor specializing in lifestyle medicine, I've discovered that the most profound health transformations stem from simple, everyday choices. The secret lies in adopting a holistic approach and tweaking your daily habits. If this seems daunting, fear not. Let's break it down.

How Habits Work

Habits are actions we perform so frequently they become automatic, embedded in our subconscious.

Each habit comprises three elements:
1. Cue: The trigger for action.
2. Routine: The action itself.
3. Reward: The benefit derived from the action.

Take brushing teeth, for instance. The cue might be morning freshness or pre-bedtime rituals, leading to the routine of brushing. The reward? A minty-fresh sensation.

To form a new habit, pinpoint your cue, routine, and reward, and then consistently repeat the action for about a month. For example, to incorporate daily yoga, place a yoga mat beside your bed. The post-yoga relaxation becomes your reward, eventually making this practice an effortless part of your routine.

Cornerstone Habits for Holistic Wellness

A balanced focus on sleep, stress management, nutrition, physical movement, and mindset is crucial for substantial health improvements. Let's delve into each area:

Quality sleep is the cornerstone of all health goals. Lack of restorative sleep leads to increased cravings, hindered body repair, and an overall health deficit. 

Make sleep a priority by:
- Sticking to a consistent bedtime.
- Banishing phones from the bedroom.
- Limiting screen time an hour before bed.

Effectively managing stress is vital. Persistent stress affects every health aspect, making it hard to benefit from even the healthiest diet or exercise regime. 

Enhance stress management by:
- Minimizing contact with negative influences.
- Reducing intake of stimulants like caffeine and sugar.
- Turning off work notifications in the evening.

Only with improved sleep and stress management can you fully benefit from a personalized nutrition plan. 

- Eating small, balanced meals every 3-4 hours.
- Swapping soda for sparkling water.
- Consulting a healthcare professional for advice on vitamins and supplements.

Intense workouts are beneficial but only with a balanced foundation of sleep, stress management, and nutrition. 

Start with simple steps like:
- A daily 10-minute walk.
- Stretching upon waking.
- Parking further away for extra steps.

Our beliefs and thoughts significantly impact our physical health. Cultivate a positive mindset by:
- Practicing daily gratitude.
- Starting with one minute of meditation per day.
- Engaging in simple breathing exercises.

Remember, your best life is within reach. Commit to yourself, seek community support, join groups, or consult a naturopathic doctor. For more insights, keep up with the Kardish Wellness Blog. Here's to a healthier, happier you in 2024!

Holistic guidance

For further wellness support, Dr. Kristy Lewis, ND and associates are happy to guide you in your health goals. Lifestyle, nutrition, stress management, a detailed blood work analysis, and targeted supplements/hormone replacement can help you attain your best self. Learn more:

This information is for educational purposes only, and does not substitute professional medical advice or consultations with healthcare professionals.


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